Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

Kurikulum 2013, Perbaikan Pendidikan Menyongsong Potensi Demografi

Berbagai macam persepsi dan kritik berkembang di masyarakat terkait dengan perubahan kurikulum menjadi kurikulum 2013. Ini adalah ketiga kalinya kurikulum berganti selama era reformasi, dari mulai Rintisan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi 2004, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan 2006, hingga yang akan datang kurikulum 2013. Rumusan kurikulum 2013 memang disesuaikan dengan apa yang dibutuhkan bangsa Indonesia saat ini dan kedepannya. Dalam kurikulum ini menargetkan ke depannya terbentuk insan Indonesia yang produktif, kreatif inovativ, dan afektif. Silabus mata pelajaran agama untuk kurikulum tersebut juga ditingkatkan jamnya, yaitu 5 jam dalam seminggu. Hal ini untuk mewujudkan salah satu target kurikulum, yaitu murid diharapkan memiliki “akhlak mulia” ( Kompas, 5/12/2012). Memang target- target yang diuraikan dalam kurikulum 2013 terkesan abstrak, misalnya bagaimana bisa kemerosotan karakter diselesaikan dengan penambahan jam pelajaran agama. Namun sebenarnya tujuan nyata dari kurikulum tersebut hanya dapat dicapai melalui pelaku pelaku pendidikan yang sesungguhnya ( guru dan murid). Karena pada dasarnya rumusan-rumusan pada kurikulum 2013 hanya akan menjadi draft yang tidak akan membawa perubahan pendidikan yang lebih baik tanpa adanya peran aktif dari pelaku pendidikan yang sesungguhnya. Untuk mencapai target- target ini perlu adanya rasa optimisme pada guru,siswa dan tentunya juga orang tua. Karena guru dan orang tua sebagai pihak terpenting yang akan mengarahkan siswa sesuai dengan target tersebut.
Jika kita cermati kembali, kurikulum 2013 sebenarnya adalah masa depan yang cerah bagi bangsa Indonesia, tentunya bila target- target tersebut dapat tercapai. Karena dengan cita-cita yang disebutkan dalam kurikulum baru ini, sangat sesuai dengan kondisi pelajar dan pedidikan saat ini. Disamping itu, kita perlu menyadari bahwasannya perubahan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan pasti ada, seperti yang terjadi saat ini. Untuk itulah kurikulum juga terus ditelaah dan dikembangkan. Jika kita analisa kembali, target-target dalam kurikulum 2013 akan dapat menciptakan generasi- generasi yang luar biasa. Pelajar dan pemuda adalah penentu masa depan bangsa ini. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa 10- 20 tahun kedepan Indonesia diperkirakan akan mengalami potensi demografi. Potensi demografi adalah istilah dimana penduduk yang berusia produktif sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil sensus penduduk yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik than 2010, penduduk Indonesia saat ini didominasi oleh penduduk berusia muda. Dari hasil sensus penduduk, jumlah anak usia 0-9 than sebanyak 45,93 juta jiwa, sedangkan anak usia 10-19 tahun berjumlah 45,93 juta jiwa. Dari data tersebut dapat diproyeksikan pada rentang tahun 2029-2030 Indonesia akan dipenuhi oleh penduduk yang berusia produktif. Apabila kurikulum 2013 berhasil maka hasil atau “ produk dari pendidikan” tersebut akan membawa Indonesia lebih baik. Dengan generasi- generasi yang “berakhlak mulia” maka juga akan memperbaiki kondisi sosial bangsa ini. Disamping itu, pembentukan karakter yang produktiv dan inovativ akan menekan angka pengagguran. Jadi, apakah kurikulum ini akan benar benar memberikan perubahan untuk bangsa ini? Semua kembali pada seberapa besar usaha yang akan dilakukan untuk pencapaian itu.

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Dalam malam tanpa bunyi...

Kusapa gerimis dalam pekat,
Malam tak bertuan berjalan teramat lambat,
air hujan yang meresap tanah
besahkan lidah lidah tembikar

dinginnya malam buta,
bersajadahkan ilalang,
bertasbihkan kunang-kunang
menengadah dalam malam tanpa bunyi.

by. E.R.R

kata...kata...dan kata

kata bukan sekedar kata,
kata adalah tanya
kata adalah jawab
kata adalah hati
kata adalah hidup
kata adalah perubahan!

by E.R

Find the Way

“ We as the slave of Allah and  the regimented army, Almighty Allah SWT”

                             Find the Way

Album : Masa Muda
Munsyid : edCoustic

You give me hope, to realize
The reason why and what am I living for
After so long follow my feet
Looking for life that You have given me
As I remember those days the darkness time
When I was not caring You were there
Now I care to take this way so clear
And I feel so proud to be a muslim guy

Reff :
And now how so great that I feel
Living up to the light, with You inside my heart
And I could never be the same
Without You involve in
On me to try to find the way

Now I believe in any way
That You will always here inside my mind
And I believe You’ll always hear
An every beat, the trembling of my heart
Every time I pray I cry for You
And I feel the peacefull of my soul
To obey in every word You say
When the time has come, let me die in Your way

2.         Analyze
            This song is really meaningful for me. It has connection in my life change. You give me hope the reason to realize why and what I am living for, After so long follow my feet, looking for life that you have given me”. When I looking for the true purpose of life.  I have compared one thing and other thing. I think that my boy friend is the most important thing after my parents. I think that he must be my priority and I will get the happiness from him. “ As I remember those days the darkness time when I was not caring You”.  Consequently, it makes me forget that the most important that should be my priority is Allah SWT. Then Allah SWT gives me a reminder, He shows something which proven that my boy friend is not good for me and He shows that my thinking is truly false because it make me far from him. Then, I ended my relationship with my boyfriend and committed that I will full fill all of the “empty spaces” that I leave. That empty space is my obligation as the slave of Allah. I have to do all things because of Allah.  And now how so great that I feel
Living up to the light
” Doing all of the activities in my life because of Allah SWT, remind his prohibition and command, although I still work hard to do that. I still make it as my habit. It is not easy for me. Almighty Allah SWT. Make my thinking free from the shackles of this “dunya”. Now I believe in any way that he will always here inside my mind. He will give everything what I need, every love which is the true love, every help when I need because He will hear every beat the trembling of my heart. He knows all things about his “slaves”. He will not leave his “slaves” stand alone in the darkness. He will shows every light when we look for it. I feel peaceful of my soul when I pray, it proven Allah always hear and understand what we feel. Whereas, I still afraid if I cannot die in His way. I want stay in this light. I want not left this light in any condition. “ When the time has come let me die in Your way”. This is a wonderful song for me that have so many great words. He is the greatest who we must obey in every time. We are regimented army who stand up in rows or stand alone, five times a day and praise, glorify the one only. “ We are the slaves of Allah SWT”.

For your choice

For your choice

by Erlisah Rohma on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 8:24pm ·
October 23, 2012
                                  For your choice
Life is choice,
Choosing the zigzag road or the straight one,
Choosing the right or the left,
Choosing the black or the white,

          Straight will not always follow you,
          Right will not waiting for your loyalty,
          White is not yours,

Follow the chart of the straight,
Chasing the right in every second,
Catching the white to be yours!


Luxurious Stairs

Luxurious Stairs

by Erlisah Rohma on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 7:41pm ·
October 23, 2012
              Luxurious Stairs
I have found the true stairs,
High, white and gold,
Beautiful and luxurious,
Stand up to the cloudy,
              Attract from it shadow,
              I say in whisper,
Walking skulk close by the stairs,
Bringing the lightest lamp
Began to up stroke the first stair,
Began to reach the highest star..

argumentative essay by erlisah

Accelerated Program
Jan Richards, Ed. D. ( 2008) argued that accelerated education program is structured to take less time than conventional programs to attain a degree or credential. Accelerated course are often taught sequentially ( one at a time) rather than in the traditional parallel fashion in which several classes are taken at once. Rather than splinting one’s focus between several subject at a time deeper concentration. Accelerated courses have five commons characteristic: “ short duration, more frequent and lengthier lesson, compressed learning information, efficient activities, and intense learning process” ( Serdyukov & Serdyukova, 2004).  In Indonesia,  acceleration program has been introduced since 1989 (Nasichin, 2004). There are 217 number of accerated education school in Indonesia. The goverment budget for acceleration program is about 80.319 billion rupiahs, while the total number of schools that implement acceleration program is 217. Therefore, the government spent 370.13 million rupiahs on acceleration program. (Fahmi et al., 1990). The cost that the goverment has spent is not useless. As we know that accelerated program has curriculum compacting and suported by the students that really smart.  Students in accelerated education program also have a very good skill in their study because they have to face the IQ test before join the accelerated education program.They are not only smart but also have a good commitmet in study.( Akbar and Hawadi,  2002). Consequently, goverment should increase the number of school that have accelerated program.
Accelerated education program can provide accomplishment for students who graduate faster than students from regular school. Accelerated education program will give complete facility to their children because the goverment really supported it by giving the budget. Therefore, students can increase their accomplishment easily. Accelerated education program also allow students to achieve their goals faster through condenses short-duration course (Jan Richards, Ed. D, 2008). As we know that acceleration program have some types of acceleration and the curriculum compacting, advanced placement, combined classes are the steps to support the students achieve their goals faster.
There are many students in accelerated program that satisfied with their learning process. Increase accessibility, flexibility, and convenience of the quality of education, and generally boost student’s satisfaction are the benefits of accelerated learning. (Serdyukov, et al. 2005). Moreover, Noden et al.(2007) found that students following accelerated courses made more progress in Maths than non-accelerated students in comparison schools, in English the progress made by accelerated students was not significantly different from that achieved by non-accelerated students in comparison schools. An observation that do by some students in Padjajaran Universty have proven that accelerated students get the better score in mathematic than students in International Standard School program. Those, accelerated education program have proven their ability in increasing the quality of education in Indonesia.
            Some may argued that accelerated education program have social and emotional outcomes. They said that the students have limited time to learn how to control their emotion and socialize with their friend. However this idea cannot go further than being an immature claim because students who are accelerated tend to report more positive social and emotional feelings than before acceleration (Kulik & Kulik, 1992; Rogers, 2002; Vialle et al., 2001). Using NELS data, Sayler and Brookshire’s (1993) analysis focused on the social, emotional, and behavioral adjustment of accelerated students when they were in the eighth grade. Sayler
and Brookshire compared the mean scores of accelerated students with the mean scores for two non overlapping comparison groups—a random sample of students who reported participation in gifted classes during grade 8 and a random sample of all students. The accelerated students reported no unusual social isolation or severe emotional difficulties and reported fewer behavioral problems than the non accelerated students (Ryan Wells et al.2009). (Vialle et al.2001) also found that students reported high levels of satisfaction academically and emotionally regarding acceleration, especially when they were included in the design and execution of the curriculum plan. Gross (2003) reported that profoundly gifted children (IQ 160 and above) who were radically accelerated had more positive and healthier levels of social self-esteem than their non accelerated counterparts. Based on this type of research, Southern, Jones, and Fiscus (1989) observed that many leaders in gifted education considered the acceleration controversy settled. It proven that accelerated education program also has a good method in forming the social and emotional of the students.

            All in all, accelerated education program is really effective to increase the quality of students in Indonesia. Students will have a good skill in general knowledge, social, and emotional or psychological by using complete facility and effective curriculum compacting. Finally, accelerated education program is really needed. Research across many decades has consistently reported positive effects for academic acceleration (Colangelo, Assouline, & Gross, 2004; Gross & van Vliet, 2005; Kulik, 2004;Kulik & Kulik, 1992; Vialle, Ashton, Carlon, & Rankin, 2001). Rogers’ (1992) meta-analysis of 314 quantitative or qualitative studies on acceleration found that most showed positive outcomes. As a result, government should increase the number of school that have accelerated education program because it can increase the number of human resources that in the productive age earlier. Consequently, it can develop the quality of education and economy in our country.
Richard, J. Ed. D ( 2008) . The Benefits of An Accelerated Learning     Format in Teacher    Education. Journal of Learning and Teaching.        2-12. Retrieved January, 24 2008 from
Fahmi, M. et al. (2011). Acceleration or Internationalization?A Cost-Effectiveness-Analysis of Improving School Quality in Indonesia. Center for Economics and Development Studies. 1-13. Retrieved   July, 6 2012 from http: //www.